Design Prototype Design

Prototyping grayscales

Prototyping grayscales

I worked on and collaborated on a variety of new designs as part of’s re-platforming in 2015-16.

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Animated HTML/CSS Tablet Brochure

Screenshot of brochure

Screenshot of brochure

For Agency EA in Chicago, I created an animated brochure for Synchrony Financial.

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Digital Brochure

Screenshot of digital brochure for Hilton

Screenshot of digital brochure for Hilton

Through Agency EA in Chicago, I developed a digital brochure for Hilton and their Worldwide University.

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World Cup bracket

World Cup Playoffs bracket

World Cup Playoffs bracket

I designed the frontend and created the backend to support a group listing and bracket for the World Cup and other sports.

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I am a CSS Designer

I’ve done a few job interviews over the summer as I’ve transitioned between roles. Each interview has similar questions, one of them being:

“What is your ideal role?”

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Wedding WordPress theme design

Wedding website WordPress theme

Wedding website WordPress theme

I created a WordPress theme in 2013 for my wedding.

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Dreams Retail Dashboard Design

Dreams Retail introduced a new user account registration and log-in system, and I provided redesigned pages throughout.

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FansEdge Email Template Design

Creation of a new email template header and footer for FansEdge, one of the leading licensed sports merchandise companies in the country.

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NHL Winter Classic graphic design

FansEdge needed graphics for its landing page, so I created these for the 2010 and 2011 games.

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Philadelphia Eagles Mobile Email Design

The Philadelphia Eagles Online Store needed a quick-loading template that was optimized for mobile devices.

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